1. Python Languages:-

  1.  Download and installation
  2.  How to run a Python Program
  3.  Fundamentals of Python
    •  Indentation
    • Comments
    •  Variables
    •  Operators
  4.  Basics of Input/Output
  5.  Data Types
    •  Numeric
    •  String
    •  List
    •  Tuple
    • Boolean
    •  Set
    •  Dictionary
  6.  Decision making
  7. Control flow(Loops)
    •  While and while-else loop
    •  For and for-else loop
    • reange() function
  8.  Loop control statements Loop
    • Break
    • Continue
    • pass
  9. Functions
    •  Function with arguments
    • Lambda functions
  10. OOP concept
    •  Class and Objects
    •  Contructors
    •  Inheritance
    •  Encapsulation
    • Ploymorphism
  11.  File Handling
  12.  Modules and Packages
  13. Regular expressions
  14.  Exception handling

*Problem Solving:
    1.     Dimik oj: Dimik OJ
    2.     URI oj   : URI Online Judge
    3.     HackerRank: HackerRank
    4.     Codeforces: Codeforces

2. Data Structures:-
  1. Linked List
  2. Stack
  3. Queue
  4. Binary Tree
  5. Binary Search Tree
  6.  Heap
  7. Hashing
  8. Graph

3. Algorithms:-
  1.  Analysis of Algorithms
  2. Searching Algorithms
  3.  Sorting Algorithms
  4. Greedy Algorithms
  5. Dynamic Programming
  6.  Pattern Searching
  7. Backtracking
  8. Divide and Conquer
  9. Geometric Algorithms
  10. Mathematical Algorithms
  11. Bit Algorithms
  12. Graph Algorithms